About us

Viesoji istaiga Informacijos technologiju mokymo centras (ITMC)

ITMC is a non-governmental organization with long-term experience in providing the training courses in graphic design and web development. ITMC is delivering training on digitalizing, creating ICT tools, websites and E-learning platforms.


Socialiniu projektu institutas (SPI)

The main SPI aim is to contribute to the solution of current social problems, which lead to various social projects that are conducted in cooperation with social enterprises, public institutions, labour office, social service centres, etc. SPI encourage literacy, creativity and entrepreneurship of socially vulnerable groups of people.


InErudico – inovace ve vzdělávání, z.s. (InErudico)

InErudico is a non-profit organization established with the mission to bring innovation to education. The main areas of activities involve initiatives on labour market and projects in cooperation with schools. InErudico cooperates with experts and with the support of ERASMUS+ and European Social Fund provides support, counselling and training to the target groups.
